CompTIA A+ Certification 801
Exam 220-801, Revised
Days: 4
Prerequisites: One of the following courses or have equivalent experience:
· Windows 7: Basic
· Windows Vista: Basic
· Windows XP: Basic
Unit 1: Safety procedures and power supplies
Topic A: Safety procedures
Topic B: Power supplies
Unit 2: Motherboards and CPUs
Topic A: Motherboards
Topic B: CPUs
Topic C: BIOS settings
Topic D: Expansion cards
Unit 3: Memory and physical storage
Topic A: Memory
Topic B: Storage devices and media
Unit 4: Connections and peripherals
Topic A: Serial vs. parallel interfaces
Topic B: Modern peripheral connections
Topic C: Keyboards and mice
Unit 5: Media devices
Topic A: Media connectors
Topic B: Display devices
Topic C: Audio and multimedia devices
Unit 6: Printers
Topic A: Imaging processes
Topic B: Printer installation
Topic C: Printer maintenance
Unit 7: Notebooks
Topic A: Notebook hardware components
Topic B: Notebook displays
Topic C: Laptop features
Unit 8: Networking basics
Topic A: Networks
Topic B: Internet connection types
Topic C: Network devices
Unit 9: The physical network
Topic A: Network cable and connector types
Topic B: Cable and connector properties
Topic C: Networking tools
Unit 10: Networking protocols
Topic A: TCP/IP
Topic B: Ports and protocols
Unit 11: Wireless networking
Topic A: Wireless networking standards
Topic B: Wireless SOHO networking
Unit 12: Professional conduct
Topic A: Communication and professionalism
Topic B: Environmental issues
Topic C: Incident response