Entries by Automated Office

Word 2013 Basic

Duration: One day Description:  This ILT Series course covers the basic skills and concepts students need to use Microsoft Word 2013 productively and efficiently. After an introduction to Word’s window components, students will learn how to create and save documents and how to navigate documents. Then they will edit, copy and paste, and find and […]

Education Newsletter December 2015

In this issue of December 2015 We are gearing up for a full training schedule in 2016.  We welcome your input with respect to courses that interest you.  If you have “training dollars” in your 2015 budget and want to “bank them” with AOS, please contact us. Upcoming Classes (can be arranged!): Microsoft Visio: Basic                                 […]

CompTIA Server+ Certification: 2009 Objectives

Days:  5          Prerequisites:  CompTIA® A+ Certification or equivalent experience                          Unit 1:  Deploying the chassis                                Topic A:  Form factors                                Topic B:  Power supplies                                Topic C:  Cooling systems                          Unit 2:  Selecting CPUs and motherboards                                Topic A:  Central processing units                                Topic B:  Packaging and slots                                Topic C:  Motherboards                          Unit 3:  Managing the BIOS                                Topic A:  The BIOS and CMOS                                Topic B:  The POST and boot processes                          Unit 4:  Selecting memory                                Topic A:  Memory                                Topic B:  Memory packaging                          Unit 5:  Troubleshooting methodology                                Topic A:  Troubleshooting models                                Topic B:  Troubleshooting toolkits                                Topic C:  Troubleshooting system components                          Unit 6:  Installing expansion cards                                Topic A:  Buses […]

CompTIA Project+ Certification: 2009 Objectives

Days:  3           Prerequisites:  None                          Unit 1:  Project management overview                                Topic A:  Introduction to project management                                Topic B:  IT project management                                Topic C:  Different types of organizational structures                          Unit 2:  Project initiation                                Topic A:  Stakeholder requirements                                Topic B:  Business case                                Topic C:  Requirements analysis                                Topic D:  Key roles and responsibilities                                Topic E:  The project charter                                Topic F:  Stakeholder consensus and approval                          Unit 3:  Project planning, estimating and scheduling                                Topic A:  Planning phase                                Topic B:  Defining scope                                Topic C:  Creating a work breakdown structure                                Topic D:  Developing time and cost estimates                                Topic E:  Creating […]

CompTIA Linux+ Certification

Days:  5          Prerequisites:  CompTIA A+ certification or equivalent experience                          Unit 1:  Installing Linux                                Topic A:  Linux overview                                Topic B:  Installing Linux                          Unit 2:  Using Linux                                Topic A:  Graphical user interfaces                                Topic B:  Command-line Linux                          Unit 3:  File and directory management                                Topic A:  Directory organization                                Topic B:  File management                                Topic C:  Removable storage […]

CompTIA A+ Certification 802

Days:  5           Prerequisites:  CompTIA A+ Certification: Exam 220-801, Revised                          Unit 1:  Troubleshooting basics                                Topic A:  Troubleshooting methodology                                Topic B:  The troubleshooting toolkit                          Unit 2:  Client operating systems                                Topic A:  Comparing Windows editions                                Topic B:  Configuring Windows Explorer                                Topic C:  The Command Line utility                                Topic D:  Virtualization                          Unit 3:  Configuring the operating system                                Topic A:  System configuration tools                                Topic B:  System information and monitoring                                Topic C:  […]

CompTIA A+ Certification 801

Exam 220-801, Revised                          Days:  4           Prerequisites:  One of the following courses or have equivalent experience: ·         Windows 7: Basic ·         Windows Vista: Basic ·         Windows XP: Basic  Unit 1:  Safety procedures and power supplies                                Topic A:  Safety procedures                                Topic B:  Power supplies  Unit 2:  Motherboards and CPUs                                Topic A:  Motherboards                                Topic B:  CPUs                                Topic C:  BIOS settings                                Topic D:  Expansion cards […]

10233BC: Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft® Exchange Server 2010

This five-day, instructor-led course provides you with the knowledge and skills to design and deploy messaging solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. This B version of the course introduces features included with Microsoft Exchange 2010 Service Pack 1 and Service Pack 2. This course describes how to gather requirements for a messaging solution and then […]

20342BC: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013

In this course, students will learn to to configure and manage a Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 messaging environment. This course will teach students how to configure Exchange Server 2013, as well as provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help them optimize their Exchange Server deployment. Course 20342 is an instructor-led course and will […]